Young lawyers forum! Where art thou?

The underlying objective of the young lawyers Forum as provided in her Bye-Laws is to articulate the welfare of Young Lawyers and address the issues concerning their welfare and professional growth; it is clear from the foregoing that the intent of the Forum is of good and not evil. It is no news that Nigerians […]

Young lawyers forum! Where art thou?
Young lawyers forum! Where art thou?

The underlying objective of the young lawyers Forum as provided in her Bye-Laws is to articulate the welfare of Young Lawyers and address the issues concerning their welfare and professional growth; it is clear from the foregoing that the intent of the Forum is of good and not evil. It is no news that Nigerians have the best policy on paper but lack immensely in the implementation of such policy, the same can be said of the Young Lawyers Forum, large number of young lawyers practice law without any commensurate effort from the forum to help mitigate their challenges.

As an umbrella of young lawyers under the Nigerian Bar Association, the Forum is not meant to lie docile and watch the rights of its members being infringed unchecked but to serve as a guard. It is now common practice for young lawyers to be brutalized by the Nigerian Police Force and nothing is being done. We have young lawyers employed to law firms that do not pay monthly salary or cater for their capacity building, like payment of practicing fees, branch dues, stamp and seal, conference fees, e.t.c and nothing is being done, the intellectual property of creative legal professionals are not encouraged or protected by the Association, and nothing can be done about it. They are just young lawyers forget them.

At the NBA Kaduna branch Monthly General Meeting held on 6th May 2016, the President of the association, then an aspirant promised to provide entrepreneur education for young lawyers to help in self-sustainability and aid growth in the legal profession. Two years down the line this statement has not seen the light of day, rather our young legal entrepreneurs are being frustrated by bureaucratic political happenings which take priority over the needs of its members.

Young lawyers have no voice on pertinent issues of the Nigerian Bar Association because there is no common voice, as such not taken seriously by the Bar, it is the writer’s opinion that the Bar would listen if young lawyers communicate with one voice and common interest. Most young lawyers are not even sure if the Forum exists or if meetings and congresses are held, consequently we don’t know who to talk to when the Bar is not listening to us? Like how the YLF annual summit (2018) went to Lagos State, months after lawyers just returned from an annual general conference held in Lagos.

We cannot continue at this slow pace and expect any meaningful change to occur. Change is in the young and the Young Lawyers Forum has a large number to make it a force to reckon with, if properly coordinated. A lot needs to be achieved on the welfare and professional growth of a young lawyer that the Forum’s quiet nature only makes matters worse than better.

The forum in advocating a better welfare for young lawyers ought to push for a minimum wage or a better welfare scheme for young lawyers. Young lawyers labour is being exploited by the day by certain law firms and nothing has been heard from the Forum who is meant to shield the interest of her members. It is the duty of the Young Lawyers Forum to ensure the NBA is kept abreast with the plight of young lawyers.

Information is what makes the world go round, if indeed, the Forum is vibrant in her own little way to better aid the life of a young lawyer in practice, then there is need to inform members on what it has done and what she intends to do. “The sheep cannot lead better than the shepherd but when the shepherd is asleep or unwatchful, a lot of harm and discord would be the fate of the sheep”

It is settled law, that a party cannot lay claim to an equitable right it has unreasonably delayed or been negligent in asserting, therefore, the Forum cannot continue to lie still, quiet, docile and act in abeyance of the yearnings of young lawyers. The continued silence of the Young Lawyers Forum means all is well with the welfare and professional development of young lawyers when in reality nothing is well.

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