Yuletide: Places to see, things to do

Adie Vanessa Offiong Gurara Falls One can never have enough of the 30-metre high falls of this site. It is great compensation for many who would have loved to go on a cruise but cannot afford to do so or are too scared to be at sea. An encounter with the ambiance, watching the gushing […]

Yuletide: Places to see, things to do
Yuletide: Places to see, things to do

Adie Vanessa Offiong

Gurara Falls

One can never have enough of the 30-metre high falls of this site. It is great compensation for many who would have loved to go on a cruise but cannot afford to do so or are too scared to be at sea. An encounter with the ambiance, watching the gushing waters as they splash against the rocks are better experienced than described or read about. 

Explore the outdoor with fun games

The weather is always right at this time of the year with no fear of rainfall. Therefore, it should be exploited to the fullest. Get creative with your kids, friends and other family members. Look up online for creative game ideas for outdoor excitement. You can be sure that nobody on the team will be exhausted because you are bound to come across tons to choose from and will be spoilt for choice. 

Shere Hills

For recreation, those end of year parties and get-togethers, Shere Hills is a location to exploit. It is only ten kilometres to the east of the city of Jos. It could also be explored further for those in search of some adventure if you go along with your hiking boots and gears. Jos weather is legend and this location would be a good getaway from the harmattan heat of other cities. 

Try out a new recipe

Food is always at the heart of the season. It is time to try your hands out on those magazine clippings you have been cutting out and saving up until you have time to prepare them. You can either try to prepare them on your own – that way you can correct your mistakes secretly. But them what does it matter if there are more cooks in the kitchen? Invite your loved ones over to be a part of the preparation and most of all a part of the eating. It’s about being merry and joyful at Yuletide.  

Kajuru Castle

Although Kajuru Castle is located ‘next door’ there are many people within and around Kaduna State who haven’t seen it except for internet photos. It would be a nice location, away from the Yuletide hustle and bustle, to relax and spend time with family and friends in the warmth of nature. 

Give, share and receive

Yuletide has become very commercialised that many of us often forget some of the basic elements for celebrating it – giving, sharing and receiving. It is a great experience when we give and share whatever little we have. Without breaking our bank accounts, there are little gestures we could extend this season that would put a smile and restore hope for many. But in all of that, we should also open ourselves to receiving and being appreciative of what we get. 

Thought Pyramid Art Centre

This is one of Abuja’s most famous destinations for anything visual arts. For art lovers who have had a long and busy year, works of Nigeria’s old and contemporary artists displayed here, would make for great company this season. 

Organise picnics

Picnics, more picnics and picnics! It’s dry outside, grab your mats, blankets, umbrellas and stock up on drinks, food, board games, barbeque and grilling stoves, novels and everything else you thing would make your picnic a well deserved fun day. Head out to any of the several destinations on our list today and simply enjoy yourself.