
In Islam, Zakat is an obligatory act ordained by Allah (swt) to be performed by every Muslim who is able to. It is an important pillar of Islam; one that carries immense significance. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Zakat is the act of giving a part one’s wealth and property to help […]


In Islam, Zakat is an obligatory act ordained by Allah (swt) to be performed by every Muslim who is able to. It is an important pillar of Islam; one that carries immense significance. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Zakat is the act of giving a part one’s wealth and property to help the poor of the community. It is essentially the process of the Muslim community looking out for it’s poorest and neediest.
The meaning of Zakat
The literal meaning of Zakat is purification. Therefore, by giving Zakat, a Muslim is essentially purifying his soul and his wealth. This word is mentioned in many instances in the Qur’an alongside Salat (prayer).
How much Zakat
Zakat is levied at 2.5% of all Zakat-able assets after deducting specific liabilities for the year. The annual payment of Zakat is done according to the lunar calendar. Items like jewellery and gold are Zakat-able items and their worth should be factored in when calculating totals. You can use the following Zakat calculator to calculate what you owe:
Who to give Zakat
The Qur’an is very specific about who should benefit from Zakat donations. The sole purpose is to help only those who cannot help themselves; people living in poverty, those who are disabled or elderly and those who are incapable of supporting themselves. Consider this verse from Surah At- Tauba:
“Zakat is for the poor, and the needy and those who are employed to administer and collect it, and the new converts, and for those who are in bondage, and in debt and service of the cause of God, and for the wayfarers, a duty ordained by God, and God is the All-Knowing, the Wise.”