Zakatul–fitr: Distribution of foodstuff to the needy and the Eid Prayer

This is a special act which involves giving out in charity, some food items at the end of Ramadan. It commences three days to the end of Ramadan to the first day of Shawwal which is Eid-l-fitr day before going for the eid prayer, because a tradition credited to Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) holds that […]

Zakatul–fitr: Distribution of foodstuff to the needy and the Eid Prayer

This is a special act which involves giving out in charity, some food items at the end of Ramadan. It commences three days to the end of Ramadan to the first day of Shawwal which is Eid-l-fitr day before going for the eid prayer, because a tradition credited to Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) holds that the Prophet (PBUH) established this special charity for us so that it will purify the person who fast from all evil talks and all other evils.
It is also a source of relief and satisfaction to the needy. Anyone that gives it out before going for the eid prayer attracts full reward while one that gives it after returning from the eid prayer attracts only the reward of the normal charity. (Transmitted by Abu-Daud).
This special charity is to be given by the leader of a household for all those living under him like his wife/wives, children and his employees.
Fasts that are recommended beside Ramadan
(i) There are six fasts that are strongly recommended in the month of Shawwal by the Prophet (PBUH) for he said “anyone who observed the month of Ramadan and followed it with six in Shawwal will be given the reward of one who fast for a whole year.
(ii) The fasts of Monday and Thursday for the Prophet (PBUH) used to fast every Monday and when ask why, he said it is because they are days on which the deeds of the servants of Allah are carried to him.
(iii) Observing three days fast every month, which are the 13th, 14th and 15th days of the month. This is also another rewarding act because it attracts for the doer the reward of one year fasting.
(iv) Fasting for nine days in the month of Zul-hajja and one on Arafat day for those who are not performing hajj on that day.
(v) The Tasu’a and Ashura fasts which are fasts observed on the 9th and 10th days of the first month of the Islamic calendar respectively
The Eid day
The sighting of the new crescent of Shawwal announces Eid Al-Fitr which crowns the end of the blessed fasting month of Ramadan.
On the eid day, Imam Ahmad Adam Kutubi explains that Muslims are expected to take a sunnah bath (same as that taken on Fridays) with the intention (niyah) of eid bath, wear their best clothes,  wear a sweet perfume; eat a nice meal and head to the eid prayer ground reciting the takbir – “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, La ilaha ilallah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamdu.” They repeat same on the way back, preferably taking a different route.  
He said the imam leads the 2-rakaat eid prayer and reads the khutbah thereafter which the ummah are expected remain and listen to for it is a very important message, an admonishment on the way foward. 
He said fasting is prohibited on this day and two succeeding days after it. The days, he said, are reserved for celebration of the blessing of Allah and visit to parents, relations, friends and our teachers. He warned against act that are unIslamic such as picnics and partying.
Excerpt from the book, RAMADANIYYAT, translated by DSP Imam Ahmad Adam Kutubi

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