Zakkah: The purifier, antidote for healthy growth

Zakkat is obligatory if five condition are met (1) Islam (2) Freedom from slavery (3) ownership of the “Nisab” (amount on which Zakkat becomes due) (4) complete and stable ownership (5) completion of a year except in the case of produce.It is obligatory upon the Muslim who has a Nisab which is the minimum of […]

Zakkah: The purifier, antidote for healthy growth
Zakkah: The purifier, antidote for healthy growth

Zakkat is obligatory if five condition are met (1) Islam (2) Freedom from slavery (3) ownership of the “Nisab” (amount on which Zakkat becomes due) (4) complete and stable ownership (5) completion of a year except in the case of produce.
It is obligatory upon the Muslim who has a Nisab which is the minimum of one’s holding liable to Zakkat under some conditions. You find its origin in Allah’s command to take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them verily your invocation are source of security for them; Q9:103.
Oh you who believe! Give of the good things which you have (legally) earned and of that which we have produced from the earth for you (Q2:267).
And establish regular prayer and give regular charity Q73:20
Zakkat is one of the five principles on which Islam is built. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Islam is built upon five (principle): To testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; to establish (regular) prayer; to pay Zakkat, to observes fasting in the month of Ramadan and to perform Hajj” Agreed upon
His saying when he Prophet made a banquet to Mu’az bn Zabal when he sent him to Yemen as it’s governor) he recommended saying: you are going to people of a (Divine) book first of all invite them to worship Allah (alone) and I am his Messenger, and if they obey you in that inform them that Allah has enjoined on them five prayers in everyday and night; and if they start offering this prayers, inform them that Allah has enjoined on them Zakkat, and it is to be taken from the rich amongst them and to be given the poor amongst them. Laying hands upon the best of their properties and fear the cry of the oppressed, for there is no barriers between Allah and it. Agreed upon from the Hadith of ibn Abbas.
The wisdom (aim) of the Zakkat
Among its aims are the following:
1.  Purifying the human soul from stinginess, niggardliness, evil, and covetousness.
2.  Relieving the poor, and satisfying the need of those who are in need or miserable underprivileged.
3. Establishing the interest of the Ummah of commonwealth upon which the Ummah’s life and welfare depend
4. The limitation of the inflation of wealth which is owned by the rich and the merchants and careerist lest the wealth should be restricted in a limited seek or in used by the rich.
The items of wealth on which Zakkat is due are: gold and silver, animals, fruits and grains, buried treasurers, business materials, earned wealth.   
The conditions which make gold subject to Zakkat are: there is no Zakkat on any property until it has been owned for one year (except plants and treasure) and the minimum of the quantity of (Nisab) of gold is 20 dinars.
Animal: Zakkat on camels: the condition for camels is that they were owned for a year and minimum quantity is five camels or more:
For his saying (PBUH) “No Zakkat is due for less than five camels (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) for it’s narrated that a Bedouin asked Allah is Apostle about emigration, the prophet (PBUH) said “May Allah have mercy on you! The matter of emigration is very had. Have you got camels? Do you pay their Zakkat? The Bedouin said: yes I have camels work beyond the seas, and Allah will not decrease any of your good deeds.
Zakkat on cattle: Cattle are subjected to Zakkat provided they were in one possession for a year and their number reaches thirty. For his saying (PBUH) one every thirty is tabi (one year old calf or cow) and on every forty the Zakkat is (one) Musinnah (2 year old). Abu Dauda, Tirmidhi ibn Hiban and Hakim said it is authentic
Cows: No Zakkat is due in cows if they are less than 30 as stated above by the Prophet (PBUH).
After that for every 30 cows one tabi is to be paid and for every 40 cows one Musinnah.
Alan’am include sheep, goats. They are subjected to Zakkat provided they are in one possession for one year and have reached the quantity; (Nisab) the nisab here is forty heads. If the number is forty then its Zakkat is one sheep jadhah.
To be continued.