Zakkatul-Fitr: Succour for the Needy

In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful Assalaamu Alaikum! This week’s Talk, the last for 1440 AH/2019, focuses on Zakkatul-Fitr (Ramadan Charity) and Eid-ul-Fitr (Ramadan Sallah). Zakkatul-Fitr or Sadaqatul-Fitr is a charity given to the poor at the end of Ramadan fasting. It is an obligatory (Sunnan) charity to be extended by all […]

Zakkatul-Fitr: Succour for the Needy

In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful

Assalaamu Alaikum!

This week’s Talk, the last for 1440 AH/2019, focuses on Zakkatul-Fitr (Ramadan Charity) and Eid-ul-Fitr (Ramadan Sallah).

Zakkatul-Fitr or Sadaqatul-Fitr is a charity given to the poor at the end of Ramadan fasting. It is an obligatory (Sunnan) charity to be extended by all well-to-do Muslims before the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers. It is called Zakkatul-Fitr because it is given after the completion of fasting the month of Ramadan, to signify an end to the one month worship. Obligation of Zakkatul-Fitr is only on those who have the means.

Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) prescribed the Zakkatul-Fitr payable by a slave, freeman, a male and a female, the young and the old among the Muslims upon the sighting of the month of Shawwal (tenth month of the Islamic lunar calendar) before going to Eid prayers, as one Sa’i, or four Muddin-Nabiyy (about 2.5 kilogramme) of dried dates or barley for all the family members irrespective of age. The prophet (pbuh) has commanded that Zakkatul-Fitr should be given out before the Eid prayers. Therefore, if there are ten members in a family, for instance, it means ten Sa’i should be given. Zakkatul-Fitr is given out from the common and stable food of a given community but this may vary from one family to the other.

If a baby is born after the dawn (fijr), Zakkatul-Fitr is not going to be given for that child but if a child is born before dawn then it is compulsory for the parents to include the new born baby in the Zakkatul-Fitr. On the other hand, the obligation of Zakkatul-Fitr is lifted on the person who died before the sighting of the month of Shawwal.

Categories of food items to be used for Zakkatul-fitr

As mentioned earlier, Zakkatul-Fitr is given from the common and stable food consume by a given community. In Nigeria, for example, our stable food items are maize, millet, guinea corn, rice, beans etcetera. It is out of these items that Zakkatul-Fitr should be given out. We should, however, fear Allah to give out Zakatul-Fitr from what we can afford. The person who can afford rice, for example, should not give out maize.

Wisdom behind Zakkatul-Fitr

The essence of Zakkatul-Fitr is to enable the poor Muslims to participate in the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, who may otherwise have nothing to put on the table on a day that all Muslims should be celebrating. The Prophet (pbuh) enjoined Muslims to give out Zakkatul-Fitr to the poor, so that they are freed from going round begging on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Ibn Abbas (companion of the Prophet, pbuh) reported that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) prescribed Zakkatul-Fitr to purify the fasting person from empty, obscene talk and other such sins committed in the month of Ramadan.

Third wisdom of Zakkatul-Fitr is showing gratitude to Allah upon the completion of fasting the month of Ramadan, which calls for celebration and reflection on Allah’s blessings. Allah says you glorify Allah and thank Him for providing you with guidance.


It is valid when Zakkatul-Fitr is given before the Eid prayer, or even two or three days before the Sallah day, that is, from the 27th of Ramadan. Anyone who give it before the Eid prayer, it will be accepted as Zakkat. If given after the prayer, it is counted as sadaqa (alms). This implies that Sadaqatul-Fitr (fast breaking charity) given after Eid prayer does not absolve one from the obligation of Zakkatul-Fitr, nor does one get the reward associated with it. However, the act shall not go in vain, as one will get the reward of an ordinary act of charity, Wallahu A’alam (Allah knows best).

Zakkatul-Fitr is given to the poor/needy

Unlike in the conventional Zakkat where Allah, in chapter 9, verse 60, identified eight category of people to receive Zakkat, in Sadaqatul-Fitr Islamic scholars had unanimously agreed that it is only two category of people that are eligible to enjoy Zakkatul-Fitr. These people are the poor and the needy (fuqara wal masaakin).

Zakkatul-Fitr, unlike the normal Zakkat, is given to only Muslim believers. This is because, among others, non Muslims are not celebrating the Eid-ul-Fitr.

Eid-ul-Fitr (Ramadan Sallah celebration)

Upon the sighting of a new moon on the twenty ninth day of the month of Ramadan or after the thirtieth day of Ramadan fasting, the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration is held on the following day.

Commenting on Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, Ummu Atiya (a female companion of the prophet, pbuh) enjoined the young women, children, adult males and females, as well as menstruating women to participate in the goodness and supplications of Muslims; but the menstruating women are to refrain from the prayers. This means that no child or adult is exempted from the Eid prayer, which would normally be performed at an Eid praying ground on the outskirt of every town. This is the day of celebration when Muslims should come out en masse to show their number.

Eid prayer is two raka’at. The prayer is performed without Adhan and Iqama (the call to prayer and its beginning). Having formulated the intention (niyya), one utters Takbir – Allahu Akabar (Allah is great) seven times in the first raka’a and five times in the second raka’a. The recitation of the Qur’an (Fatiha and Surah) follows the Takbir.

Bukhari reported in a hadith that the Prophet (pbuh) did not go out on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr unlike the day of Eid-ul-Adha, until he had had some food or dates. Therefore it is recommended that Muslims should eat before going to the Eid prayer ground.

The Prophet (pbuh) used to perform ritual bath before going to the Eid prayer ground. He used to recite Allahu Akbaru-Allahu Akbar; La’ilaha’illallah. Allahu Akbaru-Allahu Akbar; walillahil hamdu. (Allah is great, Allah is great. There is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah is great, Allah is great, All praises are due to Allah) on his way from his house up to the Eid prayer ground and back. The above recitation is to be continued upon arrival at the Eid prayer ground until the prayer begins. After the prayer, the recitation is to be continued until one return to one’s home.

The Imam will offer the Khutba (religious talk or sermon) after the Eid prayer. He will stand facing the people, who should remain seated in their rows, as he preaches to them and exhort them.

The Prophet (pbuh) used to offer two raka’at on his return home from the Eid prayer. Bukhari reported that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) would return home on an Eid day by a different route from the one he had taken when going out. The faithful are enjoined to follow the example of the Prophet (pbuh), that they may testify to the worship of Allah and make the splendor of Islam more prominent.

The above rulings on Zakkatul-Fitr and Eid-ul-fitr are by no means exhaustive.

This has brought our contribution in the observances of the holy month of Ramadan, this year, to an end. We ask Allah to help us remember Him, thank Him properly, and earn His forgiveness with our Ramadan observances, that we may be saved from the hellfire and celebrate our Sallah peacefully with the fear of Allah. We shall inshaAllah come your way next year.

For observations, corrections, suggestions, questions or contribution, please contact 080-38608418 or isaliman@dailytrust.

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