Zamfara killings: Time to declare state of emergency

In the face of ongoing killing spree currently going on in Zamfara State, I felt the need to join those calling for declaration of state emergency in Zamfara State. And at the same time call for everybody to join this course to save the souls of innocent people through this declaration of State emergency. Ostensibly, […]

Zamfara killings: Time to declare state of emergency

In the face of ongoing killing spree currently going on in Zamfara State, I felt the need to join those calling for declaration of state emergency in Zamfara State. And at the same time call for everybody to join this course to save the souls of innocent people through this declaration of State emergency. Ostensibly, failure to stop these rampaging marauders from unleashing their fiendish cruelty might cause many to question present government’s commitments to people’s concerns.

One might counterblast me by the saying, saving soul might not necessarily require a declaration of state of emergency, for me to address this contingent question I’ll say, since all previous measures failed to arrest the killings, we need to try declaration of state of emergency in Zamfara State. Since from all indications, Governor Abdul’Aziz Yari failed to stop this carnage on helpless citizens, so for how long should we keep on renewing confidence on him to stop these indiscriminate wanton killings? Since he failed in his primary responsibility to secure lives and property,

Buhari should take a bull by the horn through appointment of a retired security administrator, till peace and normalcy is finally restored in the state. It will be recalled that Former President Olusegun Obasanjo applied the same treatment for Plateau state. And fortunately, it yielded the desired impacts. Still in this regard, Buhari campaigned under two main planks: Security and fighting corruption. Factually speaking, President Muhammad Buhari has weathered the storm in fighting corruption, consequently, we expect him to do the same for security. Though I’m bereft of lawyer’s jargons, but it’s high time for President Muhammadu Buhari to take a full charge of Zamfara’s security. I know, obviously, Buhari’s fear might be a possible violation of a constitutional law, but should we remain adamant while innocent people are daily being hacked to death by some irresponsible elements? Though admittedly, drastic measures are being daily put by government, but we should not rest until we bring an end to this slayer scourge. Additionally, in view of the present ravaging insecurity, especially, the daily unfortunate killings in Zamfara, failure to take pre-emptive measures to forestall future occurrence would automatically provoke people to view this government as giving priority to elections than security of lives and property. I’ll not endorse lawlessness by any means, but the anarchy experienced in the affected local governments and some areas of Zamfara will reinforce the need by authorities to wear a rethinking cap. No doubt, security of lives is of paramount importance, and it must remain at all cost sacrosanct, therefore, all actions must be shifted towards arresting Zamfara’s killings. Sickeningly touched by horrific glance of dead-bodies killed by armed- bandits in Zamfara State,

I felt the need to add my support to the incessant calls for declaration of State of emergency. Beyond any political considerations, and in the absence of any foreseen end to Zamfara’s bloodbath, I urged for a complete review of our extant laws to give room for a total declaration of state of emergency when this need arises. Even though this might not necessarily receive National Assembly’s nod, because Senator Kabiru Marafa had previously made this plea to his colleagues, and they subsequently turned it down.

Abbas Datti, Kano