Zinox’s Zpad wins platinum award

A statement yesterday said Foxcnn gave the ward to Zinox  to celebrate the ingenuity of the company’s  Research and Development team in her new Digital product – the Zinox Tablet Pcs known as “Zpad”. According to Foxconn’s Maricar Deocampo, “we are awarding Zinox Technologies our distinguished Partnership status in order to celebrate the newest smart […]

Zinox’s Zpad wins platinum award
Zinox’s Zpad wins platinum award

A statement yesterday said Foxcnn gave the ward to Zinox  to celebrate the ingenuity of the company’s  Research and Development team in her new Digital product – the Zinox Tablet Pcs known as “Zpad”.
According to Foxconn’s Maricar Deocampo, “we are awarding Zinox Technologies our distinguished Partnership status in order to celebrate the newest smart device from the stable of Nigeria’s foremost and most decorated ICT Company.”
Decampo also said: “Though Zpad series is built in partnership with us but your intellectual strength, competence in digital design and capacity to challenge the best global digital products is unbelievable considering the fact that you are based in an emerging Third World country with all the difficulties with infrastructures and digital capital. Of special interest to us is your exceptional knowledge on Apps content. We are definitely excited to work with you and it has been very rewarding and we hope your country will appreciate this combined effort to deliver what we consider as one of the best series of Digital Tablet Pcs in the world.”
Speaking on the Platinum Award, Corporate Communications Adviser of Zinox Technologies, Uche Nnadozie disclosed that the Zpads are digital tablets that cure knowledge deficiencies and a tool so reliable that it has extended warranty with extra apps compared to any other in the market.
 Foxconn with a total assets worth of over $1.7 trillion and net income of more than $100billion in 2012 employs over 1.2million tech professionals.