Allah Himself ‘Greets’ The Prophet!

“Innal Laha wa Mala’ikataHu Yusalluna alan Nabiy, Ya Ayyuhal Lazina Amanu Sallu alaihi wa Sallimu Taslima.” (“Indeed, Allah and His Angels send salutations upon the Prophet; O You Who Believe, send salutations upon him, and greet him with worthy greetings.”) (Qur’an Sura Al-Ahzab 33:56). Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon […]

Allah Himself ‘Greets’ The Prophet!

Innal Laha wa Mala’ikataHu Yusalluna alan Nabiy, Ya Ayyuhal Lazina Amanu Sallu alaihi wa Sallimu Taslima.” (“Indeed, Allah and His Angels send salutations upon the Prophet; O You Who Believe, send salutations upon him, and greet him with worthy greetings.”) (Qur’an Sura Al-Ahzab 33:56).

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

His name is Muhammad. And all of us, Two Billion and counting, love him beyond compare. In fact, we so love him that others can’t understand, let alone comprehend. They don’t get it, for they know not this kind of love. We love him more than we love our parents; indeed, we love him more than we love ourselves! The moment we hear his name invoked, we immediately invoke the peace and blessings of Allah upon him, for that is the commandment of our Lord – ‘Sallu alaihi wa sallimu taslima’!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

They should just leave our Prophet alone. Though he left us more than 14 centuries ago, it is as if he daily lives with and amongst us. There is no day that passes without his name being called, and praised, by each one of us. To us, he is inviolable, undiscussable, ‘unjokable’-about. He is just leave-‘alonable’. We don’t joke with or about him. To us, Muhammad the Prophet is serious matter. In anything concerning him, we are, by Allah, fanatical, fundamental, impatient. So we say to them, just leave him alone. We so love him, O we do! You just can’t understand this kind love.

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

For every Muslim dwelling on this earth, from after the demise of the Prophet to this moment, the icing on the cake in our lives is to ‘see’ the Prophet in a dream, for he said – upon whom be peace – that “Man ra’ani fil manami faqad ra’ani haqqan!” (“Whoever sees me in a dream has actually seen me truly…”) adding that Satan cannot appear in his guise. O Allah! May we be honoured with ‘seeing’ our Beloved in a dream; may we drink from his Fountain of Kauthar; and may we be his neighbours in Jannah in the afterlife!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

We are many, by Allah! O so many! And how we so love him; all two billion of this fastest-growing religion on earth, for which Allah our Lord promised “…li yuzhirahu alad dini kullihi wa lau karihal mushrikun!” (“…to make it prevail over all religions, even if the disbelievers may hate it!”) (Qur’an Sura Saff 61:9). This is Islam, the religion of Allah, of Muhammad, of this writer, of two billion! And each one of us loves Muhammad, two billion loves!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

Yet some people who do not, cannot, understand this type of love think they can just play with his name and his person, and hide under the freedom of expression or similar Western jargon. So we say to them, just leave him alone. And may our fathers and our mothers be ransom for you, O RasulalLah!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

Cartoonists and writers, and even Presidents, who think they can make fun of our Prophet and go scot-free should know this fact: you may abuse a Muslim’s father, you may abuse a Muslim’s mother, you may abuse everyone abusable, but never, ever, never poke fun or abuse our noble Prophet Muhammad. On that, we are fanatical, we are fundamental; end of discussion.

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

But to be fair, many of their forefathers were not like them. Thinkers, philosophers and intellectuals of centuries past, in Europe and elsewhere, acknowledged and praised our Prophet as the greatest person ever to have lived. His name, Muhammad, indeed, means praiseworthy. So this current crop of leaders who want to impress their constituencies should just, please, leave our Prophet alone!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

If you really want to see what unites Muslims from all shades and sects and opinions, from Sunni to Shi’a, from east to west, touch the dignity of Prophet Muhammad. We all remember, don’t we, that during the Satanic Verses furore in 1989, the late spiritual leader and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini (may Allah forgive him), issued the end-all fatwa (Islamic Ruling) to the effect that the life of whoever abused our Prophet stood forfeit. Despite the huge sectarian differences between us Sunni and them Shi’a, there was universal Muslim unanimity in endorsing the fatwa. If there is anything that can bring together all shades of Muslims, it is an affront on the personality of the Prophet of Islam. So just leave him alone! Isn’t that simple enough?

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

Our epilogue is from the world of music. The great Hausa singer/musician, late Alhaji Mamman Shata, in his epic and classic song dedicated to the Prophet, ’Na Tsaya Ga Annabi Muhammadu’ (‘I Stand By Prophet Muhammad’), lyricised:

“Rokon da mu ke a wurin Allah…/Rokon da mu ke a wurin Allah…/Ko a duniya…/Ko can lahira…/Allah sa mu ga Annabi Muhammadu!” (What we pray to Allah for…/What we pray to Allah for…/Whether in this world [in our dreams]…/Or in the hereafter…/O Allah, make us see Prophet Muhammad!)

And indeed we, all two billion of us, say amin, Mamman Shata, and we hope you have met the Prophet since your demise in 1999. So we all pray, because mun tsaya ga Annabi Muhammadu, wallahi!

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad! May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad!

Mun Tsaya Ga Annabi Muhammadu! (#WeStandByProphetMuhammad!) And that was our widow’s mite of Salati Goma Ga Annabi!