NGO give Kebbi out-of-school girls another chance

Hundreds of excited-looking girls troop to Yahaya Santali Model Primary School as an NGO, High Level Women Advocates (HILWA) began the enrolment of out-of-school girls.

NGO give Kebbi out-of-school girls another chance

Hundreds of excited-looking girls troop to Yahaya Santali Model Primary School as an NGO, High Level Women Advocates (HILWA) began the enrolment of out-of-school girls.

Many of the girls had either been forced to abandoned their education or have not even seen the four walls of the classroom in their lives.

A number of them are orphans while others could not continue with their schooling because their parents could not afford the school fees.

Eight-year-old, Rubaida, who could not hide her joy as she waited to be registered, told Caliphate Trust that she dropped out of school in primary two after the death of her parents.

She said her guardian could not afford to pay her school fees and other requirements hence she was forced to stop her education.

“I am grateful to God that I am going back to school now. I am going to be with my mates. I will no longer be staying at home while my mates are in school.”

Speaking to the Caliphate, the Vice Chairperson of HILWA, Asma’u Alkali, said the objective was to enroll 5,000 girls back to school.

She said the far north was the most hit part of the country in terms of out-of-school children noting that it was about time to reverse the ugly trend.

According to her, the campaign for going back to school for the out-of-school-girl-child would not only be limited to enrolment as the organisation has a plan to ensure that those enrolled continue with their education.

Asma’u said the programme involved free distribution of uniforms, school shoes and learning materials.

“The enrolment and retention drive for 5000 school-age girl child in Kebbi State will go a long way in fast-tracking enrollment of out of school girl child. Therefore, I am calling for its sustainability.”