On lost menses and teenage multi-millionaires in our cities (I)

Dear brethren, among other issues of primal importance confronting us as a nation today, the phenomenon of “yahoo-boys”

On lost menses and teenage multi-millionaires in our cities (I)

Suspected ‘Yahoo boys’ who were arrested

Dear brethren, among other issues of primal importance confronting us as a nation today, the phenomenon of “yahoo-boys” remains one of the most critical. I am extremely concerned by the trend nowadays where boys who are barely free from their mothers’ bosom now buy cars worth millions of naira, build or buy houses that range between fifteen and twenty million naira.

I had thought of sharing this concern with you today before I began to receive messages from readers of this column on the topic of discussion last week. Some of them wanted to know whether the story of the young and righteous girl that I told last week was a fact or fiction. Others wanted more clarifications on the recipes that the Almighty used as asbab of healing for the girl.Let me state, without equivocation, that one of the most elementary instructions of Islam to believers is to never use falsehood as tool of propagation. Thus, as a scholar and a practicing Muslim, I always ensure that I show fidelity to my calling by upholding truthfulness and honesty every moment of my life. The story of the girl who suddenly lost her menses was a true-life story. In fact, her story is not the only one. There have been many of such. For each case, the recipe has worked wonders and to the Almighty all gratitude.

Once again, the following are the materials that should be procured- cinnamon powder, real honey, Apple-Cinder Vinegar (With the Mother), turmeric powder and lemon (with coarse back). Somebody else wanted to know what is meant by the adjective ‘With the Mother’ that comes after Apple Cinder Vinegar. This is meant to identify the content of the particular brand recommended for use for its efficacy in comparison to others. It goes without saying that this brand is equally a bit costlier than others. The girl who missed her period should take a teaspoonful of each of these items, mix them together in a teacup and add warm water. She should drink the mixture first thing in the morning and late at night for a couple of days. By the grace of the Almighty, the menses would begin to flow without much ado before the fifth day. Here a disclaimer is appropriate- this is not meant for purposes other than what I have described above. Now, we must constantly remember to demand for healthy living habits from our children. Let us encourage them to avoid consumption of food items that could cause serious diseases and ailments either now or later in future. I could not but wonder what our world has become when I heard that a young boy who is less than twenty years had come down with diabetes. This is an ailment that has no known cure today. It is better to avoid the onset of these ailments than to fall into the abyss of the search for the unattainable. “And do not kill  yourselves. Surely the Almighty is ever Merciful to you” (Quran 4: 29); “…and do not throw yourselves into destruction (Quran 2: 195); these are clear instructions and injunctions from our Creator.

Now let us get back to the story of the multimillionaires in our neighbourhoods. I am calling your attention to the young boys who have become extremely rich overnight. His father is known to us- very disciplined, humane and moderately religious. His mother, yes, one of those who are forever contented with their life on the periphery. Long before now, she used to sell, or rather hawk bangles in the city market. Both parents believed in bidding their time; they knew that ‘delay is never denial’; that the Almighty would surely send His mercies unto them at the right time. They knew that a critical success factor in life is for humans to never attempt to wrestle ‘the steering of life’ away from the hands of the Creator. They knew that the Almighty is the Owner of the homestead; He knows when to open and close the “doors”.

But suddenly, the boy began to do rock-n-roll; he began to frolic and hobnob with the ‘boys’. Not long thereafter, his ‘level’ began to change.


The first thing he did was to buy that type of car my teachers in the university who have spent all their adult life serving this nation could not afford. Then he began to invite his friends to join him on the ‘train’ to wonderland; to the land of riches and sudden wealth.