Re-Katsina Central deserves better representation

My attention has been drawn to an article written by one Comrade Bashir Dauda

Re-Katsina Central deserves better representation
Re-Katsina Central deserves better representation

My attention has been drawn to an article written by one Comrade Bashir Dauda claiming to have written it on behalf of Katsina Patriotic Youths of Katsina Central Senatorial District published on page 11 in your widely read newspaper, Daily Trust of Sunday, 3rd January, 2020.

In his letter, the writer blindly criticized the representation of our amiable distinguished Senator Kabir Abdullahi Barkiya. He accused him of not working in the interest and progress of our people at the National Assembly. I find it necessary to write and draw his attention to so many good things the senator has been doing for the people of his senatorial district.

I was surprised and totally dismayed that a knowledgeable person like Comrade Bashir Dauda could just sit down and write an article just to tarnish the good image of the seasoned public officer.

Had it been that the so-called comrade has always been following the senate sessions on a daily basis, he couldn’t have agreed to be used by his godfathers in writing  the factless and  baseless letter with no sound backing just to satisfy selfish interests.

As far as we are concerned, we are happy with the representation the senator is providing for us and we appreciate him for that.  He has made contributions  in several ways towards promoting and protecting not only the interest of Katsina Central Senatorial District who voted him into office, but Katsina  State as a whole.Besides the contributions he made at the national level, he has been supplementing the good efforts of our dynamic state governor Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari in giving the state a solid and unbiased leadership.

The Senator has been working hand in hand with the Federal Government of  Nigeria towards providing lasting peace (security wise) across the state especially at this crucial period of kidnapping, cattle rustling and other security challenges affecting the Northern part of Nigeria.

The writer may wish to note that Senator Abdullahi Barkiya is a unique political figure with listening ears who is always ready to defend the interest of the electorate anytime and anywhere.

The writer may similarly, find herewith some of the people-oriented programmes and projects executed by the senator which has convinced us to show our loyalty to him.

(a) Barkiya Women Empowerment Programme in which financial assistance was disbursed to more than 1,200 beneficiaries to boost their businesses and make them self-reliant.

(b) Barkiya Youth Skills Acquisition Programme whereby over 100 youths were trained on various skills and presented with capital and solar installation working tools in order to start up their trades.

(c) Securing employments for youths in many organisations including FIRS, NDE, DSS, FUDMA, Air Force etc as well as presentation of hand pump machines to various communities within his constituency.

(d) Construction of boreholes at different locations under his jurisdiction in order to ease shortage and provide potable water across the Katsina Central Senatorial District.

(e) Construction of drainage system across the 11 Local Government Areas under his supervision.

These and many more are the legacies Senator Kabir Abdullahi Barkiya is proud to have bequeathed his communities thereby becoming one of the best senators to have represented this Senatorial Zone since the return of democracy.

With regards to insecurity in this zone, despite not being in the position to direct the security personnel to take any action to stop the menace, Senator Barkiya has been doing all he could as enshrined by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by raising motions and alerting institutions concerned so as to act accordingly to nip the problem bedeviling the zone in the bud.

In this regard, I wish to advise Comrade Bashir Dauda to always cross check any matter before rushing to the press so as to be fair and just rather than being misled and misguided by his sponsors  in order to achieve cheap political goal.

For us, we are highly appreciative of the representation of  distinguished Senator Kabir Abdullahi Barkiya and salute him for the good job of providing more dividends of democracy to the teeming people of Katsina Central Senatorial District. Well done distinguished Senator!

Kabir Hassan Saulwa writes from Saulawa Quarters, Katsina