THE BEARING: How Waist Beads And Anklets Lost Their True Meaning
Download Here Waists beads and anklets are fashion ornaments that have been worn by women from time immemorial. They have always been part of the African culture. But in recent times, a certain negative label has been attached to women who wear waist beads or anklets. NIGERIA DAILY: Has A Saviour Arrived For The […]

Waists beads and anklets are fashion ornaments that have been worn by women from time immemorial.
They have always been part of the African culture. But in recent times, a certain negative label has been attached to women who wear waist beads or anklets.
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THE BEARING: Why We Fail to Achieve Our New Year Resolutions
Why do we have such labels attached to these fashion items that have been in existence? Who created these labels?
In this episode of The Bearing, we will be looking at how waist beads and anklets lost their true meaning and why these labeling exists.